Thursday, September 13, 2007


Tonight was Nellie's first hockey game of the season. Actually, ladies F league is so prestigious, that most of the game was playing this morning. I enjoyed myself and had a good workout, but part of me can't help but think, "fuck, Adams, you really suck." I'm so new/bad/pylon that I can't even describe it in hockey terms (No dangles?). I'll relate my lack of skills to what I know best...ultimate.

My defense: I'm that player that doesn't realize who their check is until the disc is at least half field. Then I "mark" - wave my hands in the air frantically (like the "signal") and count steamboats.

My offense: I'm that player that runs a lot, but never anywhere where anyone might care. A decent defender can cover my every movement with just a few steps. And then I get tired. And, heaven forbid I get the puck, I'm a total ATM (Automatic Turnover Machine). I think I had 27 turnovers tonight.

I'll just drink a beer, where a cape, and put more effort into the cheer than the game. I suck, but I'm having a great time doing it.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Only 27 turnovers? That's pretty decent! Did they bench you for the third period or something? Just wait till you score your first goal and you'll be saying-"I'm Heather-freaking-Adams, which way to the Saddledome?"