Monday, November 5, 2007


When I first got to Dresden, I thought Ron was here. Ron Weasley, that is. That would be because Dresden didn't seem to have lights. It was so dark that I had to stand directly under streetlights in order to read the map. I found the place we were staying, which was run by a dude who I thought might axe murder me. Ö

Today we did the Heather-reads-lonely-planet walking tour of Dresden. There are loads of really cool old buildings here, and lots of history. Most of what I knew of Dresden before, I read in Slaughterhouse 5. It's pretty cool to see the real place.

This evening, we took a bunch of night photos of the city off a bridge.

....2 days later: Dresden's revenge was to kill the computer right then. Or maybe it was the guy who ran the hostel who I referred to as "the possible axe murderer". Yikes.

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