Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everybody!

I was hanging out with my Mom today. My Dad was working and Jen and John were going to a function with John's family. I had a nice relaxing morning (with a tiny Tartan vs. vacuum cleaner incident), and then headed over to meet my mom. We went walking in the Weaselhead, and then to see a movie. I was over to there place for a delish steak dinner after.

I've actually been home for a while now, and I've been sitting in front of my computer since. Who needs a laptop when they have a catlap?

Thanks to everyone who called or texted today! Muchly appreciated.

The movie we saw today was Sweeney Todd (sorry Alli - there was slim pickings and nothing else that we both wanted to see). It's a Tim Burton-directed dark movie with Johnny Depp and Helena Bohnam Carter. I was a big fan of Corpse Bridge (same same), and in the end I was a big fan of this too. It wasn't exactly a Christmas movie. It was so dark I would call it a horror movie (unlike Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bridge, which are all family movies at heart). If you like scary movies (and musicals), so see Sweeney Todd. Be prepared to make the same face you made when Mercedes slices the Captain's cheek in Pan's Labyrinth (enngghhh!!!). My only critique is that at two hours, Sweeney Todd runs a little long. I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

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