Monday, March 10, 2008

I Am the SHIT

I am the shit, the complete shit, and the total shit.

Linds and I were joking this weekend that I should post this - after my last 2 blogs came out back to back. Please tell me you all know me well enough to know that I am kidding. The back-to-back timing was just bad. I'm not an arrogant asshole, I swear. I'm an arrogant assole, P.Ag. (jk)

This weekend was a lot of fun, if incredibly busy. I got outside to throw a lot (okay twice, but lots of throws!) and got my ass kicked on the stairs by Terri 'I think I could have got faster' Whitehead. Today was lots of exercise too, so I am happy that tomorrow is a rest day.

Pure funsies was Bruce and Gindl's going away party at the unicorn (have a blast and stay in touch guys). When I walked into the Unicorn, I remembered that the last time I was there was a Pi pub crawl, and I was very very drunk. It looked 'familiar' in a very intoxicated kind of way.

Saturday night I went to the free Roughnecks game. The Roughnecks won 15-12 with 18,000 fans in attendance. My favorite thing to do at the Roughnecks is heckle. There are lots of fun things to yell at Roughnecks game. Such as, "What's he got?"...."NOTHING"! and "ROUGH!....NECKS!!!!, ROUGH....NECKS!!! Everyone gets really into it. It's even more fun when the annoucer yells, "What's he got?" and you yell "HERPES"! or they yell "ROUGH" and you yell "SEX"! Heckling the Lacrosstatutes (ahem, I mean the Drill Crew) is also fun.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

lacrostatutes... you kill me man