Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sine Sine Cosine Sine 3.14159

This weekend's highlight was definitely Greg O'Brian's Pi get together. Pi is my league team, in case you were wondering.

It was a potluck, which I'm a little afraid of in general. I'm not afraid of Pi potluck's, because lots of Pi people can cook. Potlucks with strangers are super-scary though. You might get someone like me, who typically doesn't have time to make anything, or worse, can't cook but tries anyway. (Special props to Heath here, who brought lettuce. Perhaps was told to bring 'salat' *in German*, which means lettuce and salad). Even more scary for me is people who can cook, but make things that I would never eat if I knew what was in it. Again, this is no one at Pi. The meal was delicious! In general, how do you know what's in there? Cat hair? Or there's the whole, "mmm, this is delicious salad, what's in it?". "Oh, the usual: lard, sugar, fat, more sugar." Then you have to try to find a dog or a plant to feed it too. In order to not be afraid of potlucks, I just need to be assured that everyone there is a better cook than me. It's a good thing I didn't have to make a pie to get on Pi, or I might not have made it.

A none-food highlight of the get together was the hotseat. It all started with the furniture configuration of the living room. I think it was Steve sitting there, and we started asking him a bunch of questions about what he did (work-wise) etc. Eventually we just sort of had everyone go. It was nice and relaxed, and I learned lots of stuff I didn't know about my teammates. Plus, it didn't digress into jr. high school, maybe with the exception of the farting inchworm. I'm not going to list people's interesting facts for you, mostly because I can't remember I just remember laughing a lot. Feel free to list them in the comments if you remember.


Anonymous said...

Here's some German for you... furzene raupe - farting inchwo

Unknown said...

I loved that with each person who sat in the hot seat...we learned more about Steve!!!!