Monday, November 17, 2008


I've never really understood New Year's resolutions. I don't want to resolve to do shit in then. I want to have a nice dinner with my family and then party it up with my friends. Also, my year just isn't really divided that way. Late 2008 and early 2009 will still be 'winter' and 'off season'. Anyway, here is my resolution: I am going to spend an extra few minutes (15, let's say) cleaning my kitchen during the week, so it's not such a disaster/chore on the weekend. Boring topic, you said? What's your friggin' resolution then? Just kidding. Now I know some people swear by the "clean-as-you-go' cooking strategy. I'm much more of a "don't-light-anything-on-fire-as-you-go". I think this takes precedence. Still, I've identified a simple thing I'd like to change, and I resolve to do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right about the kitchen! Even when I clean as I go, I know that it will be dirty/crumby/cluttered with dirty utensils and dishes the next time I make a cup of tea or put out cat food. It's so frustrating and one starts to think "why bother". Then again, going to bed with a clean kitchen does feel good... Good luck with your resolution. Are you starting now or waiting until Jan 1st?