Sunday, January 11, 2009


I had a big gap in posting because I am in Waterloo right now. That’s right, a BIG gap. Think about what this means to you, Toby and Bridget in Germany, Powell's Pursuits and Rob and Amanda. Okay, just kidding. Anyway, I’m in Waterloo visiting Kristin, which so far has been loads of fun. Kristin has to write a little paper for tomorrow, so I had a chance to get online for a few minutes.
Yesterday we were in Toronto visiting Mere, and we hung out and enjoyed New Year’s. Yes, you read correctly. Since Mere and her other buddy missed partying in New Year’s because they were both sick, the plan for Saturday night was to celebrate belated New Year’s. We went to Fresh for some yummy vegetarian food (Mere and Kristin are both veggies, and I’m actually not sure if Dee is or not. I am not a veggies but I enjoy and eat a lot of veggie). After dinner, we hung out until latish, drinking wine and playing boardgames. A couple of other friends came over, although Mere’s original New Year’s buddy missed out again. We capped off the night (for Kristin and I, about half and hour) by meeting up with some frisbee folks at the bar. This morning we went for SERIOUSLY good breakfast. It kind of put Nellies and the Country Kitchen to shame, although they both continue to hold special places in my heart. We then headed back to Waterloo for Kristin’s hockey game. (btw she is ridiculously good. I’m a little afraid for when she sees a Nellie game.) I still had a noise-maker in my pocket from the night before, so I honked it every time her team had a goal. It wasn’t quite as cool as the Sills cowbell, but I tried.
I could go on, that was just one story, but I’m not going to. Kristin is pretty much done, so further blogging is going to have to wait. Also, the internet connection is dodgy right now, so I'm going to post what I have now instead of risking trying to get more and getting nothing. Bye for now.


Toby said...

I can't believe you have time to slag us for not posting in 6 months on your weekend away. Enjoy the rest of your trip.


kristin said...

Oh she enjoyed the rest of her trip. At least she SAYS she did... And she seems like a pretty honest lady, so... Also, I can't wait to see a Nellie game, this promises to be quite hilarious, in the best of ways. I have taught my fair share of beginner hockey players, and not all of them had previous experience with athletic pursuits such as frisbee. I will bring a noisemaker if I can find one. Bring your A game.