Thursday, April 22, 2010

Beaver Integrated Services/BJ Services

I've always thought BJ Services was funny name for a company. Click the link - it's a real company. There are one of the bigger (and I'm sure one of the most popular) oil and gas service companies.

I walked past a truck in my neighbourhood with a logo on the side, and... BALANCE. There is a company in Toronto called Beaver Integrated Services.

It reminded me of those crazy Kiwi parents who tried to name their kid Bus Stop No. 9. Oh, I stand corrected. No one was named Bus Stop. No. 9! That would be crazy. It was Number 16 Bus Shelter.

Semi-on topic, my neighbourhood also has a business called Action Pharmacy.
Customer: "Excuse me, what aisle is the toothpaste in?"
Pharmacist: "I'm sorry, we don't carry that".
Customer: "Oh. Condoms?"
Pharmacist: "Aisles 1-8".

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