Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Crap. I've gone and lost my one earring. I only wear one, in my upper left ear. I've had it, that same earring, for a really really long time. I had to take it out for work, and it appears I have lost it. I guess had better get a new one sooner than later.


Anonymous said...

That sucks. Yeah you should get another ASAP even though it is an old piercing it can still close especially on the upper ear. I only have nine earrings left all the others closed on me :(

Hez said...

It worked out. I bought a new earing (okay, I bought two) got it in. I know it says "anonymous", but I get the sneaking suspicion you are my one and only sibling. Correct?

I talked to a friend, and confirmed that I did have that earing for AGES. I was 18 or 19. Tracy, does that sound right? Crazy to think I didn't replace or change the earing in all that time.

Tracy said...

I thought we were 16 or 17 - it was a fruitful trip to the mall that day. I just checked my jewelry box and sure enough still have the earring - even though the piercing is long gone. Perhaps I'll mail it to that you no longer need it. ;)

Anonymous said...

I thought you had it done in high school too. Yes this is your sibling. :)