Thursday, February 24, 2011


Another highlight of NYC was the Museum of Modern Art (aka the MoMa). I really like art galleries in general, but this one was fantastic. Even with the gallery mobbed with people , I was very impressed. I saw some spectacular work, some famous stuff, and some spectacular and famous stuff. This included:
  • Picasso (I've always been a fan. After seeing *all* - and I do mean all - the Picasso's at the MoMa, I feel a little silly for being so excited about the three Picasso's at the AGO).
  • Jackson Pollock (I was surprisingly impressed).
  • Monet (I was surprisingly unimpressed).
  • Andy Warhol (cool/weird).
  • Salvador Dahi's 'The Persistence of Time" (smaller than I thought it was going to be. The real deal reminded me of the Gary Larson's Weiner Dog Art).
There were others that I can't think of right now. I also bought a modern art colour book (yes, for adult) that looks s w e e t. They didn't call it a colouring book, but it is.

Last night we went to the AGO (my folks are here in Toronto now). I thought it might be underwhelming after the MoMa, but there was a really great exhibit on by David Blackwood. Check out this link for more info and an example of his art.

Blackwood's stuff was on the whole fourth floor, and I was relieved to get there after the fifth. There was a couple of cool things, but for the most part it seemed to be filled with the work of some people with *skills*: in marketing and sales. Industrial grease spread on some cones? Rope stapled to a board? Get a day job.

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