Wednesday, April 13, 2011


How much does it suck that the Flames didn't make the playoffs?? Boo urns. I might as well be cheering for the Leafs. Go Canucks.

On on unrelated note, I'm just back from a great swim. There was no one else in my lane for about half of the time which was a real treat. The guy who I nicknamed the Barnacle II wasn't there. The original Barnacle swam at my pool in Calgary (named because OMG if you "swim" any slower, you are going to fuse to the goddamn side of the pool). The new Barnacle is a little better, but seriously not much. While everyone is really friendly at this pool, there are a handful or people who swim crazy-slow (and a few Curtis Mydens). I don't know how they swim so slow. Picture bobbing in a very very mild current. And it's not like I'm good. Shit, I don't even swim with googles (I haven't bothered to get any). I'm just there for the workout.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You will probably laugh but I didn't know that the Flames didn't make the playoffs until reading your blog.

- your Calgarian sister