Sunday, April 17, 2011

Yes, Very Very Hyperthyroid

I didn't know what was going to hit me when I wrote my last post. Hells yes I was hyperthyroid, and about to feel a.w.e.f.u.l. for several days. It's hard to describe how it feels to be hyperthyroid, or I should say how it feels to me. I know from my past that I am very effected by this sort of thing. The biggest thing is just getting overstimulated very very easily. People would say things to me at a normal pace and I wouldn't be able to follow. As a person who can normally follow, it's strange and unsettling. I got tunnel vision and couldn't read, or if I did, I would have to concentrate s....o.....h.....a......r.......d. At one point I tried to do a Sudorku because normally they relax me and I couldn't see it - couldn't get it. I looked at it for all of 2 seconds and immediately slammed the book shut. My appetite is all f-ed - I'm not hungry, but when I eat I r.e.a.l.l.y. eat. I have trouble sleeping at night because my heart feels like it's racing. I seem to alternate being exhausted and not being able to sit still. Picture me creeping out strangers waiting for the streetcar because I could n.o.t. stop pacing and ringing my hands. Bizarre. Not fun. Bad timing. Huge understatement.

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