Thursday, June 16, 2011

Speaking of Ouch...Dilemma Over

The good news is my dilemma is over: I started on the 1.5 pill Synthroid dose (just Wednesdays) yesterday. The bad news is is that I feel like I'm coming out of a daze that started Tuesday at one o'clock. I was at work, and I scanned a list for a phone extension and couldn't find it for a frustratingly long time. An hour later, my crazy vision stuff from April was back. I've basically been out of commision since then. I managed a successful work day, but I'm not going to lie, it really hurt. I planned to go to practice but by the time I finished work, I felt terrible and went home to sleep. Thankfully right now I am feeling HUGELY better. I was afraid this and/or my previous hyperthyroid symptoms would return is I upped my dose. This started BEFORE I uppsed my dose. The best theory I have heard so far....a migraine headache? Not something I have ever been diagnosed with or something that runs in my family. I very much could be wrong. I sincerely hope I simply never experience this again.

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