Thursday, September 29, 2011

HP 5 and 6

I suppose after so much happening, I should be thankful not much is happening.

Harry Potter 5 and 6 where are enjoyable as they were the first time round. :) It had been too long since I'd read them, and the first time through there was a fair amount of time between readings.

I was surprised how dark #5 was. With the obvious exception of Cedric Diggory in #4, I didn't think the story really got dark until #6. I was wrong! I didn't recall that Hermione nearly gets murdered (Avada -, the first word of the two-word killing curse before the attempted murderer gets pushed over {or something}) or that Neville get's briefly tortured by the woman who tortured both his patents into insanity. Eep!

I liked how Professor Slughorn, who thoughout #5 can't get Ron's name right. At one point he calls him Rupert. Coincidence, a shout out to Rupert Grint? (The actor who plays Ron).

The end of #6 took a while to read because it was hard to see the words through my tears. Oh come on - you cried too, admit it!

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