Thursday, September 15, 2011

Less Than 5 lbs

I'm sure I said before than I am very strictly disallowed to lift anything over 5 lbs. It's created some odd situations:

  • have you ever heard "please pass the salad" and said "sorry, no"?
  • my mom flew with me home to calgary, largely because I could carry my luggage (not even carry one). When we checked in, a little old air canada lady asked me to put our bags, which were right in from of me, on the scale. When I moved aside so mom could do it, she gave me a really? look.
  • I stopped and sat in a public space recently because I really needed to. An older lady sharing my bench asked if I could push her in her walker (with her sitting) to her hair appointment. I tried to explain why I couldn`t. We were facing opposite directions (really it was two back to back benches). I didn`t exactly enunciate because I was so tired, and there was a bit of a language barrier. As I explained that I would go ask a guy sitting near us if he could help (thankfully he was super nice and jumped up to help). As I walked away slowly, she kept shaking her head and saying so YOU will not help?
  • getting off a plane (similar to the first one), a male flight attendant said whuut? when I exited with no luggage and my mom following with all our carry-ons.
Thankfully, all of the above were just a good chuckle.


Anonymous said...

5 lbs? Hope you have lots of help around the house!

Hez said...

I do, thankfully. I'm not allowed to do any of that stuff yet. No cooking, no groceries, no laundry etc.

Linds said...

Phewf...I just about felt like a jerk. We mailed you a package today but luckily you should be able to lift it - 4.4lbs. Thanks for the awkward situation stories. Glad to hear you are taking care of yourself and taking it easy even if it means getting the odd strange look.

Anonymous said...

I found it very helpful to make a schedule of friends to help. I was in a situation like yours and found one day I had 10 people to help me and the next, no one. I had no roommate and was single so I had to depend so much on them. I have been blessed with great friends, that never thought twice about assiting me. Best of luck. Get well soon!