Monday, September 19, 2011


I've been reading a lot since dropping out of contention. At first I didn't like to read, because it highlighted that my vision felt weird. Now my vision is just fine. I started with Harry Potter 1 for a few reasons. I've wanted to reread the series for a while now, there no new movies coming out was about my reading level to start! Now I'm about 100 pages into book 5. They are as fantastic as I remember. I also read the Hunger Games which was also s.u.p.e.r. good. I started reading it as I was already reading HP5 so that I could carry it to a doctor's appointment. I liked it enough that I finished it before I kept going with HP5 and since I am a HUGE HP dork, this is saying something.

(for example: I go to all the movies pre opening night, I have a shirt that says "Harry is My Homeboy"' I joke that we both are scar heads, and someone mentioned broken broken glasses and I suggested "occulous repairo"

1 comment:

The Foxes said...

just looked up "The Hunger Games" and it says it's a trilogy....have you started reading the second book? Will be interested in knowing if the second and third book are good. I'm looking for a new read.