Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Attire Dilemma and R.e.a.l. Swimming

I was having a less-than-ideal morning. I was feeling really really bad - tired, bleary, confused, with horrible stuff running through my head like my brain bleeding again and needing more surgery. As I was dressing, I pulled out my Caps jersey, thinking it would give me a little extra strength. I then had flash of going into the hospital the last two times I had put it on. I threw it back with shaky hands, cried a little, and picked something else - my Capitals ship t-shirt.

High: I had a really good swim. One swim ago I ditched the flutter board for a couple of lengths and did a little froggy swimming. Is there a real name for that? More recently, I did a bit of flutter board, way more froggy than the last time a.n.d. some real swimming! (aka front crawl). I think I might have even been first in the ladies 32- to 107-year-old category. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Carla would have been horrified at my technique. But it almost felt like a real workout.

Next time, if I need a little more motivation, I might try the fast lane (not in a million years). I think they release sharks. It's the only explanation I can think of for why this dude could possibly splash that much.

ps. I wrote this several days ago. The astute reader (ahem-stalker) may note that I have since worn my Caps jersey. (I'm wearing it High Park in the bridge pic)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um. Your friendly brain-patient handler had a minor "shit my pants" moment as I packed your f.a.v.o.r.i.te Caps shirt for your trip.

Glad to know it's back in your good graces! I'm going to go change my underwear now.