Friday, October 7, 2011

Catching Fire and Mockingjay

I've now finished Suzanne Collin's Hunger Games trilogy. Read them! You can borrow mine. I tried to get them from the library, but Catching Fire had 800 holds. Sometimes I would wait, but this is not one of those times.

The whole trilogy is great. It's a captivating, super-fast read. I can hardly believe the series is intended for teens, because it's so violent. I like the Collin's made it a trilogy and didn't milk it into a tiring series.

I liked Catching Fire basically as much as Hunger Games. :)

Mockingjay was my least favorite of the three, although it was still a fun and captivating read. I didn't like it as much as the other two because it has more focus on military tactics and politics, and it's even more violent. It does have an solid message about peace.

I was a little disappointed in Mockingjay's primary villain, President Snow. He is described as having snake-like features. That villain has been done already, and I suspect You-Know-Who it is.

That's just a tiny beef with an excellent triology.

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