Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How Embarrassing

I haven't had much to say (blog) since getting back to Calgary. I'm just doing my new uje^ (ie. recovering), plus seeing my family* and catching up with some friends*.

I suspect it's because it's a bit embarrassing how little I have on the go right now. Will all the excitement building around UPA's, I'm trying motivate myself to keep walking at a brisk pace with the playlists I usually use for screaming lungs and jelly legs. Embarrassing. Small children easily beat me up a hill in Toronto the other week.

In better news, I did have the best day for energy, clarity and "athletics" since surgery. In that hour, which involved walking up stairs (doubles and singles) walking quickly or jogging (!) down, some "weights" (squats with my body weight, calf raises) and a bunch of abs felt like so much more than a workout. It felt like being myself again, if only for an hour.

^ abv. of usual

*obviously exempt from said 'little on the go right now".


Anonymous said...

From what I recall (being your "BP handler"), your lungs still get the occasional workout, if for other reasons (ala: spiders, the suggestion of spiders, anything that could look like a spider, and house centipedes).

Anonymous said...

At this point, seeing how you're miles away from home, I should let you know that you now have a roomate....of the 8-legged variety.

I opted to let him/her continue calling the corner home until your arrival date (at which point in time I will re-home him/her).

Hez said...

nooooo! he's going to have raging parties and ask a bunch of friends to move in. by the time i get back there will be webs on my pillow! squasher's rights over squatter's rights!