Wednesday, October 5, 2011

More Tired - is it Possible??

I've had a few mega-tired days (or should I call them even more tired than tired days) or late, and while I'm not surprised, I was wondering why. If my TSH levels are dropping slowly, shouldn't I be feeling less and less tired? I almost feel more tired after my follow up in Ottawa. Then I had a brain wave (ha! as if). 1. it's really hard to tell. it's hard to remember how tired I was before because I'm spacey 2. I'm doing more (way more), because I'm allowed now. Prior to my Sept. 20 I was told that I absolutely could not push it. When I got tired, I was to stop. Since this isn't the case any more, I'm trying to do a lot more "exercise".

ps. funny typo: my first attempt at "spacey" came out "scary".

pps. i will blog about something other than fatigue soon....zzz

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