Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Key Words December 27 '11

Some recent keywords (words used to google search that lead to my blog), and my thoughts on them:

  • spongebob square pants chia pet. people are obsessed with this at Christmas. more on spongebob chia very soon.
  • frisbee essay. if you find that on the internet, it will likely be the work of a massive dork. try this instead: http://www.the-huddle.org/
  • apology letter for lift entrapment. maybe you should write this yourself.
  • bedshit. not something I want myself or my blog to be known for.
  • getting back into shape after brain surgery. exactly.
and, my personal favorite:

  • heather adams sexy time. NOT on the internet, thank you very much.


marc said...

haha, I bet that last one was Jo

Anonymous said...

Like she said Lezbro: N.o.t on the internet ;)

Though admittedly I did look her up after our first women's league game together. Purely business. She was hung over. I needed to make sure she was legit.