Monday, December 21, 2009

Synthroid Malfunction

I finally feel normal. (Or at least as normal as I ever was). It's been years since I screwed up my Synthroid, but I sure did this past week. In case you aren't a regular blog-stalker, I don't have a thryroid gland, so I take fake thyroid hormone every morning. Or at least I'm supposed too. Oopsa.

Last weekend we stayed at the Fairmont in Toronto. I have a whole blog written about it, I just need to sort the pictures. I'll probably post it tomorrow. Anyway, Kristin and I were going to Waterloo after the Fairmont, and since I thought I had Synthroid there, I didn't bother to pack it. It turns out I only had one in Waterloo (I was staying for a couple of days), plus that didn't help me Sunday morning at the Fairmont.

I took half of one on the Sunday night (to catch up) and went to Shopper's Drug Mart the next day. I had them phone my pharmacy in Toronto and fill a prescription refill for me ($30 – damn). I may have taken half that morning and the other half when I filled the prescription? I actually can't remember. I seriously debated not bothering and just taking more Tuesday night when I got back to Toronto. I'm SO glad I didn't, because I started to feel weird on the bus ride Tuesday. Part of the problem was that I'm supposed to take it at the exact same time every day.

I had to leave at 8 the next morning to catch my flight to Calgary, and I forgot again. I think I took one later in the day, but again, I don't remember. I get pretty damn daft when my Synthroid malfunctions. Thursday night I had party in Millarville (Club Ted) and stayed overnight. With no Synthroid again. I'm a moron. I took it as soon I got back to my folks place, which was about 3 pm Toronto time. Moron.

I have been fine since then, after a few weird bonky nights. I took an extra halfer, and that seemed to help a lot.

I used to be really good at keeping spare Synthroid everywhere, so that I would never go without. I kept spares in every backpack, my wallet, jacket pockets, etc. Right now I only have them in one place. I think I just got complacent after being so good for so long. Plus they get kind of gross in my wallet after a while.

I am VERY reminded of the consequences of messing it up. But hey, other people accidently have children if they forget a few pills. Could be worse. ;)

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