Saturday, February 19, 2011


New York has been a lot of fun so far. Here are some quick highlights:

  • Ukrainian Food at Veselka. The borscht and perogies were fantastic.
  • I worked Thursday out of my company's Manhattan office. What a beautiful building!
  • The Museum of Natural History kind of put the ROM to shame. I should give the ROM a second shot sometime. Those plastic bats turned me off it. Lame.
  • Running outside in a tank top and sweats and wishing I'd brought shorts.

1 comment:

Linds said...

John Cougar wasn't a highlight??? I'll assume you hadn't seen the show yet when you wrote this blog.

I recommend a bathing suit next time you go for a run downtown in a big city ;) That's what all the cool (very, very cool) kids do.