Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pool Fail


So there I was, last night, going for a swim in a downtown Toronto hotel pool with my friend Lindsay. Jeff was upstairs with the little guy.

The hotel was also having a young liberal conference, and Linds and I spend longer than either of us would have liked wandering in the hotel trying to find the pool. At one point we wandered into the conference room. We aren't directionally challenged, it's just a giant hotel. I digress.

The hotel provided a bucket of used towels for our convenience, but no clean ones. So after the swim we called the front desk for towels and watched the rest of the raptor game while we waited. It got kind of chilly, so we decided after about 20 minutes of waiting that dripping through their lobby would be fair.

We needed to go up a floor to get to the elevator to the north tower, so we decided to take the stairs - stairwell 8, to be specific. The doors to stairwell 8 locked behind us. Stairwell 8 leads up a flight of stairs....outside onto Yonge Street. After knocking on the door for a while, we gave up and ran around the block. Haha, it was so cold and strangers yelled "your crazy!" at us.

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