Wednesday, September 28, 2011


One of the symptoms of hypothyroidism that I get pretty bad is brain fog. I tried to find a decent internet site on this, but they I didn't get past those lame discussion sites. I did read a funny one that called brain fog akin to having a "senior moment". It's basically forgetfulness and lack of concentration. It comes and goes for me. When I have energy, I'm mentally normal. When I don't, I turn into Adumbs.

I get overstimulated easily by things like crowds and noise. In which case, I shut down quickly. First I start staring blankly off into space every-s0-often, if I don't disengage, I can start to get awkward. In conversation, in an attempt to cover how out of it I am feeling, I say things like, "Who are your fish doing?"and answer all questions , "heh heh heh".

A few recent examples:

  • I was at the National Gallery (Ottawa) with my Mom and aunt the other week (I love that place). I also love Group of Seven stuff, especially Harris'. The gallery had one that I really love (this one). I said to my aunt, "We don't have this one at the AGO!" (Toronto)

aside: maybe two hours at the gallery? seats in most rooms. I slept for 2 hours as soon as I got back.
  • Recent I thought "...(mind blank mind blank mind blank)........Was I thinking something?"


Linds said...

Maybe you've had a baby and didn't know it since what you described here reminds me A LOT of baby brain. Since having Zach I feel pretty unisillegent as adumbs.

Anonymous said...

Luckily you're pretty babe ;)