Friday, October 28, 2011

Hangover Diary

Dear Diary,

Today had some rough moments. I I was hungover. After breakfast I headed out to meet up with a friend for coffee. I couldn't find my headphones and was all annoyed that I eventually had to leave to walk to the coffee shop without music. I got to the coffee shop to discover that a) I was 24 hours early and b) my headphones were in the toque I worn that morning. In other words, both were on the top of my head. hahaha.

Maybe I am just getting a cold, but my head ached, I was tired all day and my morning walk left me feeling shaky. I don't know why I am tell you - admit it, Diary, you have had a hangover before. You know what it feels like.

p.s. Caps went 1-2 today. I know they are going to be fired up for day 2.

p.p.s. More on the day's biggest rough moment tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ledge sends his love in the best way he knows how: Gas.