Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pps ...Twenty?

Pps (from yesterday): rough news - just as my health finally seems to be improving, I found out that my Mom's is slipping again. I'll spare you the details (at least in blog form), but I will say that 20% is not a lot of kidney function. Twenty. Percent. ....Twenty.

I was hanging out in the hospital with her for a few hours today while she got a blood transfusion. If you can give blood, please think about it. You can make an online appointment these days. I wish I could put my money where my mouth is, but I can't. I've been blacklisted since my thyroid cancer days (2003?). I wonder if I has only had this aneurysm if that would be enough to blacklist me. Don't get me wrong - I'm very thankful they protect the blood banks supply.

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