Sunday, October 9, 2011

High Park

On the days that I can only walk, it's really nice to do it in High Park. I love High Park. It's big enough that it's almost possible to forget you are in a city.

Sometime it's good laugh. We were sitting at a picnic table after one walk, half because it was a beautiful day, and half because I needed to sit for a while before I could continue:

  • one of the least athletic girls I've even seen, wearing some sort of legging/high boot combo, tried to throw a ball for her friends dog. She had loads of space to work with, but somehow managed to throw it baseball-style foul, only about a meter, over a fence. I usually try to refrain from laughing out loud at people if they aren't my friend, but this was an exception.

  • We got "attacked" by "gremlins". These little dogs - bundles of long hair, round loving eyes and tiny under bites - not peeky-poos (my name for brainless little yap yap YAP "dogs") but gremlins came flying out of nowhere. one itself into my lap, leaped off onto Jo's lap beside be, followed by another one that launched over my shoulder from the upper part of the picnic table etc. They were so hilarious and cute. :) Afterwards I asked Jo if there were two. Incorrect - three! Priceless.

All photos below by Jo Elias:

I wanted to collect this piece of litter and was working out some some of MacGyver-style way to collect it. Jo had to gently suggest that I could hop the tiny fence and pick it up. Oh. Yes. That could work. I look...special in this picture.

Ledger, another big fan of the High Park off lease area:

Ew!! Okay cool, and great shot -but EW!

I wanted to take a shot here 6 months ago, but didn't have a camera. I like it. :)

There is an allotment garden in the middle of High Park. Very cool. They are currently growing my favorite, testicle squash.


Anonymous said...

Psssst: Testicle shot is your work of art. Least you forget my reaction to your association between my favorite vegie-fruit...and male junk.

Balls! (as in expression..not male "bits and bites"...).

Anonymous said...

Say it ain't so? You two aren’t, you know!? Are you? We ball bearing humans will find our tails between our legs depending on the answer ;*(


Hez said...

Hi Cal (-gary? -vin and Hobbes?)

Help a brain patient out? Perhaps you could clarify? (by which I mean I have NO IDEA what you are saying/asking me).