Monday, October 17, 2011

Video Chat Pic - Jo and Ledger


Anonymous said...

Friend? She's hawt ;)

Terri said...

Is Jo wearing a toque indoors? If so, you better tell her to dress w.a.r.m. for Calgary! ;-) Looking forward to meeting her.

Hez said...

The girl on the right's not bad either. ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Admittedly I am b.u.t I've been training***!!!!

Looking forward to meeting you as well Terri! It will be great to finally put a face to the name :)

**By that I mean I've made sure to wear 4 layers (instead of 5) when playing fall ulti.

Hez said...

Girlfriend. :) And you are...?

Anonymous said...

Apparently I'm not just yours anymore. Kerri (airport security) didn't exactly use the back of her hand when patting me down.

A.n.d she fondled my 'fro.

Anonymous said...

LOL I ‘m not going to reveal who I am now, simply because it appears you’re off the market now and I had crush on you LOL

Hez said...

Haha well thank you. You're just trying to flatter me, in an attempt to make me feel better about my brain. ;) $5 says you are I are friends.

Anonymous said...

Last line? You and I are friends? or Aren't friends?

Hez said...

If I were a betting kind of girl (and I am - I lost a box of freezies on the Canucks in game 7), I'd say we are friends. Only you really know, because I have no idea who you are. ;)

Anonymous said...

Mon dieu. A box of freezies !?! Not sure what's worse, losing the game or the box of freezies ;)

I'm always the bridesmaid/Groom. All the good girls are taken (you would be that good girl) :). Always 2 minutes to late :/ story of my life LMBO

Anonymous said...

"Good" doesn't even begin to describe her ;)