Saturday, November 26, 2011

Photo Poll Answers

Thanks to everyone who voted on the photo polls. Here are the answers to what I was really thinking:

poll 1: "ouch - #*)@!"
Ha - no one got it! I`d just cut my big toe open. I`m heading into the water to try and wash it off. It hurt like hell, but I didn`t want to limp, because people we watching. I tried to look casual.

poll 2: nothing - i.e. spaceout
Good work majority. I am still heavy on the brain drugs here. I might look like I am deep in thought, but not much is happening upstairs).

poll 3: "i am hungry"

Great work one voter. My hand isn`t on the cactus. :) No pain. But...i was hungry. I`m often hungry!

poll 4: "this is fun"

For once I wasn`t hungry! Sorry people. I have having fun. it was quite a nice gallery.

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