Friday, May 25, 2012

Don't Say Fart

I had an appointment with my new neurologist this week, which I'm very happy about.  I waited a long time to see him, and I'm optimistic that he can help me. 

I did a small mental test as part of the assessment, which Mere tells me is typically given to Alzheimer's patients.  I did "above average for normal people" on most of it, and t.e.r.r.i.b.l.e. on one question.  Draw this cube.  Draw a round clock, fill in all the numbers.  Now make it say ten minutes after 11.  Here are five words.  Remember them and say them back.  Repeat in 5 minutes (following other questions). Starting at 100, count down by subtracting 7.  Continue until I tell you to stop.  All fine.

The question I bombed was "name as many words you can in one minute, excluding proper names or places that start with......the letter F."  I got seven.  S.e.v.e.n.!  It felt like my brain wasn't working, exactly the same as it has been.  Arguable, I only came up with six.  I said "forest" and "forester".  In any board game I have ever played with this sort of question, derivatives don't count. 

Part of my problem was just getting hung up.  I'm sure I would have done better - not great, but better, with a different letter.  I spent at least the first ten seconds thinking don't say fart.  don't say fuck.  don't say fuck.  don't say fart.

I said fart.  And six other words. 

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