Or should that be "More On MRI"? Yes, the second one.
I've been knocked on my ass for a couple of days after coming back from Ottawa. It could have been due to the stress of the appointment? That's not a given; there are too many factors to really know what sets me off. It's a solid guess.
I posted the picture from my MRI earlier, because it's weird-looking. I should have mentioned that the doctor said it looks clear. Actually, what he really did is awkwardly ignore me for about four minutes while he reviewed the images on screen. The radiologist (?) had yet to make a written report. If four minutes doesn't sound like a long time, try this: sit across the table from someone, which a laptop open off to one side. As three questions. Await answers and their full attention. With word or motion, ignore the person and stare at the laptop screen (with an occasional click) every so often. Four minutes will feel like a long time.
I wasn't given a copy of my MRI, but Dr. UnMcDreamy the image up on the screen and exited. I made a move for my iPhone as soon as he shut the door.
I will post about the trip to Ottawa and more about the appointment (grrr) shortly.
Happy Friday.
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