Monday, January 21, 2013

You Lied To Me, Lance

I was given Lance Armstrong's first book, It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life by a friend when I was recovering from thyroid cancer.  This was 2003-ish - w.o.w.: ten years ago.  It was a great book, in spite of being co-written by Sally Jenkins.  I'm always so much more impressed when people r.e.a.l.l.y. write their autobiographies.  I'm sure Lance provided the material and Sally wrote.  The book was quite inspirational.  Lance came back from real cancer.  Tough cancer.  He got back on his feet, and he went on to kick some serious ass.  I remember reading a story where he tries to ride and gets passed by some regular lady on a rickety old bike.  He was frustrated to go from being so strong to being so weak.  He persevered.  He beat cancer.  He got amazing. If he could do all that, I could get back on my feet and compete at ultimate again.  He s.a.i.d. (in his book, which as the reader, felt like he was saying directly to me) that he didn't dope.  I recall he was quite adamant about it.  For years, they were after him, but they just could accept that someone could come back from something like testicular cancer and win.  You lied to me, Lance. 

Then: Inspired.  Impressed.
Now: Uninspired.  Unimpressed*.  Lied to. 

He's lucky it was a gift, or I would want my $15.95 back.  No hero of mine cheats and lies. 

*I will admit, I am still very impressed by what he has done for cancer survivors and their families.     



Anonymous said...

I'm 10 times more impressed by you and your postive outlook through everything.

Hez said...

Thank you!