Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Mental Maps

I am reading a book (Wave by Sonali Deraniyagala) that partially takes place in Sri Lanka.  This got me thinking things like "Sri Lanka....Sri Lanka...small island of the coast of....medium-sized island off the coast of....coast of....balls".)  I had to look it up.  India.  But you knew that, right?

This got me thinking about geography and mental maps.  I think that I have above-average knowledge of the geography of many places, mostly just because I care.  That said, these days my memory is terrible (and my spelling is worse-than-terrible).  Also, my knowledge of many many places is still abysmal.  

I used to be able to do pretty well at the sort of geography test where you plunk in the place name.  I'm not sure if I still am, but I used to be decent.  Mental maps are so much harder.  No cheating!  Don't look at Google, don't confirm spelling, etc. There are places that I think I would do pretty well at still.  I'm sure I could draw at least a reasonable map of Calgary (although it sure gets shaky in the deep south).  I find this sort of thing amusing - more people can provide so much detail about the bit where they live, but stretch outside that and it gets funny fast.

I decided to try a mental map of Quebec City, chosen because it's one that I knew I would do v.e.r.y. poorly at.  I've been there once, ten years ago, and the details are a bit foggy.  I'm afraid to look it up and see just how bad my map is.  Maybe the water runs through the old town?  Err....

Please let a comment with a place (city? country? region?) and I will draw you my best, non-cheating mental map.  Yikes.



Anonymous said...

My mental map of Quebec City is about what yours is....lots of mental snapshots/pictures of it...but where everything is...not so much
your sis

GStar said...

Hmm, i'd love to see your mental map of Ottawa! Itty-bitty ultimate players on Parliament Hill required ;)

Jayanti said...

I would love to see Munich Hez!

Jayanti said...

I would love to see your map of Munich Hez!

Anonymous said...

Map of Salt spring island ;)