Monday, March 28, 2011

ITWP Silver

Woot. We upset to beat the second-ranked ITWP team tonight. We had 6 and they had 7, but we had Jeff, nicknamed "the Micheal Jordan of ITWP". Fun times. THEN we went for beer and wings (well just beer for me - I have a weird wing thing) and now I am non-sober. Let's go with non-sober. I did not have a lot of food between frisbee and ITWP (really not a lot) so my 2 pints really (really) hit my hard. I think I covered it well. I'm quite curious if anyone could tell.

I vitally need to go to bed now. If you read this, please gchat me tomorrow at work so that I remember life is good.

1 comment:

Hez said...

Retraction: turns out it was more like bronze. Meh - I'll take it like a man.