Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Yesterday was a day of mega-fatigue. It comes and goes. I got up in the morning and had a hard time hauling my butt to the pool. I enjoyed my swim, and would call it a success (I got a small workout, I did not drown = success). I more or less spent the rest of the day trying to recover from the swim. It might not have been the swim - just a tired day. I was still tired after a 3 hour nap.

I feel much better today. :)

I've now finished all of the Harry Potter's, which were great. I'm sad that I am done. Thankfully I can drown my sorrows in Catching Fire, the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy.

ps. sorry - I know this blog is pretty lame. I'll do better tomorrow!

1 comment:

Charr Chaos Crew said...

Heaths! I've been reading your blog the last month or so and marvelling. My mother-in-law also had brain surgery at the Civic - it's no place to be sick! Glad you're busted out of there and swimming (if not catching discs!) Can I get an email addy from you? Mine is heidikswansonATyahooDOTca