Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hummingbird Sanctuary

The first T&T photo that I posted was of hummingbirds.  That was with my tiny point-and-shoot camera: not even my iPhone, which I left at home.  Check out THESE shots for Jo.  Amazing, as was the afternoon that we spent with the hummingbirds.

I consider seeing one hummingbird very lucky.  Imagine having fifty flying about your head.  Somewhere north of Port-of-Spain, at this ex-prof's house, this guy has set up a backyard full of hummingbirds.  He puts feeders out, and they come eat.  They are there all day, every day.  It's stunning.  They are incredible little creatures, and I could feel their energy before I even got to the yard.  I stopped dead in my tracks and said, "their everywhere!".

I wish I could send all my fellow BPs or anyone else needed to be healed to see the hummingbirds in T&T.  It was the last day of the trip and quite possibly my number 1 highlight. 

Photo credit: Johanna Elias. 

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