Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Veggie January

Happy New Year!

I have decided that I'm going to eat vegetarian for all of January.  I've been lucky enough to have a different and delicious sampling of meaty foods at the end of December that I don't normally eat.  That will tide me over for a while.  There was delicious curry crap (etc) in Trinidad, a Keg steak the other night (Christmas gift certificate), ribs last night at Jo's sisters place (I had just two - but it had been a long time.  They were g.o.o.d) and even lobster tail this week (Loblaws had them on sale for $1.99).  That's a lot of yummy meatiness.  I think it's time that I balance it. 

I expect that it's going to be quite hard to keep perfectly true to it: it will be easy enough at home, but if life took me to a restaurant with no veggie options?...unlikely (we've been eating at home), but possible.  Also the one month this is arbitrary, so I could just make up a date in February if I need too.  I'll see.  I'd prefer to just go for January.

If you have a great veggie recipe favourite, please share it.

ps.  I learned today that soy hot dogs are really quite bad.  I'm going to stick to tofu in dishes.  I'm not sure why I thought that soy products emulating food that I don't care for would be any good.  Fail.

1 comment:

Jo said...

Someone somewhere wants to make a really in-appropriate joke.