Thursday, April 25, 2013


A couple of months after my supposed-to-be just January vegetarian experiment, I settled on pescetarianism.  Adding some fish and seafood has meant a much easier time making sure I'm getting enough protein, pretty much always being able to find something to eat a restaurant, and sushi.  Mmm, sushi.  I don't miss chicken or steak one bit....well, maybe a bit.  Or at least if I was in a Keg right now, I would really want to order a teriyaki steak.  That said, it's been the better part of four months, and I'm still pretty gung ho.  There really all a lot of delicious and healthy vegetarian foods out there.  Have you ever tried a Lick's veggies burger (the kind you make at home?)  What about with a PC thin bun, topped with PC mango and lime salsa?   Possibly with some yam fries - if you are really hungry - those veggies burgers are filling.  Maybe that is a bad example, because I would have picked a veggie burger over a hamburger 9 times out of 10 even before.  I know it's not for everyone.  I'm not going to try and sell you on the merits or rant about my reasons - yet I often wonder why I ate meat for so long. 

1 comment:

Jo said...

Sausages. I feel the same way about SAUSAGES.

Like...whhhhyyyyy did it take me soooo long........